Powerquest partition table editor tool
Powerquest partition table editor tool

Edit your startup files using EDIT.COM in DOS or Notepad/Sysedit in Windows.

powerquest partition table editor tool

While running CVT, disable the loading of some of your DOS mode devices/TSRs, by adding REM in front of the respective lines in your CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT, or use an upper memory manager (like MS EMM386.EXE or UMBPCI.SYS) to load them all "high", in upper memory (UMA). You canNOT convert a FAT32 partition back to FAT16 using CVT.EXE!ĬVT requires a minimum of 500 KB of free DOS memory. This MS TechNet article details all available CVT.EXE parameters. The little known /CVT32 parameter works ONLY with the Win98/98 SP1/98 SE(U) version of CVT.EXE and allows FAT32 conversion in native MS-DOS mode. The Win98/98 SE version of CVT.EXE may NOT work from native MS-DOS! In this case use the Windows GUI version ( Cvt1.exe = see below). Windows 98/ME users can find CVT.EXE in %winbootdir%\COMMAND (usually C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND). Running CVT without command line parameters displays the help screen. Requires to specify the drive letter to convert.

  • Another Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x, 98 and ME FAT32 conversion DOS mode 16-bit tool comes also from Microsoft: CVT.EXE.
  • powerquest partition table editor tool

    MSKB: How to Use Fdisk and Format Tools to (Re)Partition a Hard Disk.LIMITATION: MS-DOS 5/6 + Windows 95/98/ME FDISK does NOT recognize hard disks larger than 137 GB (48-bit LBA function). Install fixed FDISK.EXE for Windows 98/98 SP1/98 SE(U) to properly detect hard disks larger then 64 GB. IMPORTANT: To become familiar with the FDISK.EXE command line switches (the documented ones anyway), run one of these commands from any DOS prompt: Starting with Windows 95B OSR 2.0 FDISK has the capability of creating FAT32 partitions of minimum 512 MB on existent drive(s), and of converting your current FAT16 partitions to FAT32, but NOT the other way around WITHOUT COMPLETE DATA LOSS! Its purpose is to display boot, disk and partition information, modify existing partitions, create new ones and/or delete the ones you want on all installed fixed hard disk(s), but ONLY WITH COMPLETE DATA LOSS! :( FDISK.EXE is a 16-bit DOS based command line driven tool, the "de facto" Microsoft partitioning utility, located in %winbootdir%\COMMAND (default is C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND) or in the MS-DOS 6.00/6.20/6.21/6.22 directory (default is C:\DOS or C:\MSDOS).

    powerquest partition table editor tool


    Powerquest partition table editor tool